charli girl

Monday, August 14, 2006

new sound today ~ "mmmmmm"

Aliyah goes fishing

When she wasn't catching fish she was snapping pictures
Queen of the Ocean....... AFH
and we finally finished the arc............ awwhhhhh.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

nonie-onie ooompa-ahh and the jolly jumper

darling tanisha pearl with the lovely nonie in portmcneill
beautiful charli ariahna in the jolly jumper for the first time i think she might be gettin bit
i had to show her ruffly bum ( compliments of mehgan harris)

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Bad day for charli girl needles are no fun

you think this sux, I got two in the other leg too and of course they start with the least painful one, so by the forth Im freakin angry
but then I got to chill with my go go
in my pretty flower dress

this is what I look like when I coo
oh ya I am 12 pounds now and my head (which somewhat resembels my papa's) has grown 5 cm, not including the ears...... I like hats!!!!!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

papa's outfit