charli girl

Monday, April 23, 2007

Charli walks.......sorta!

Ok ppl, you gotta double click the empty boxes!!!
So the lighting isn't very good, but you get the idea.... and this is Charli's latest sound, which I find quite disturbing.


  • At 6:10 AM, Blogger Rowena said…

    What empty boxes?

  • At 4:03 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    good job getting the videos up, I just watched it from your youtube account and that noise she is making is so cute!! Nice to hear her little voice, and hey, shes totally walking!! It counts if you're using a walker!

  • At 5:38 PM, Blogger Rowena said…

    Oh I saw it now!! She's so cute! I love the little noises she makes and I agree with Danica, she is totally walking. Wow I can't believe how big she is getting. Almost one year already!!

  • At 6:43 AM, Blogger gummaluvvy said…

    I love to see her and almost as much love to see Papa's skinny ankles and the bathrobe that he has had since I met him!! Nice work Papa!!
    Love you guys lots and can't believe that next week she will be a year old!
    God I am old cuz I know for a fact that she was only born last week!

  • At 12:38 PM, Blogger charli girl said…

    Ha Ha Ha nonie..... thats pretty cute, Those skinny ankles actually belong to Charli's father ( and it's sort of a sensitive topic )
    And the bathrobe is new this christmas! HA HA HA

  • At 9:30 AM, Blogger gummaluvvy said…

    Earps!! Sorry about that!! And the sound that she makes sounds like asthma!! Whooping cough?? pretty darn cute whatever it is.
    I had not heard it before as my work puter has no sound card but borrowed the lap top and finally heard the sound that you speak of.
    Love you guys


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