charli girl

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

piggy tails

still not walking

She loves her baby
So my little angel is just shy of 29" which puts her in the 50% and just shy of 18Lbs. which is about the 10%...... the health nurse said if her only problem is gonna be that she is a skinny girl, poor...poor her.


  • At 9:13 PM, Blogger dylansmom said…

    Love the pigtails! Well worth the effort that must've taken Chay....your baby is so beautiful and Dylan is 30" and in the 95th percentile for his whopping 23lbs...I think Dilly will be getting his Charli revenge sooner than later! ;)

  • At 9:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    haha Vanessa, you are so right, but she is going to nag him sooo bad..and boss him around like another couple of little kids I know (knew?)
    I love the piggy tails! especially the wild child look when she pulls out the little tiny scrunchies.
    that should be your next pic's Chay!
    luv go

  • At 10:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    awwww the pig tails are soooo cute!!

    love the dolly too!!


  • At 7:09 AM, Blogger gummaluvvy said…

    oh boo, that happened to me too Charli so I feel your pain. I am sentenced to a life of being tall and thin too...
    for the rest of you SHUT THE HELL UP!
    I love her hairs in piggies! (I feel THAT pain too Charli) and walking is over rated!
    I love you

  • At 8:47 AM, Blogger Duppa Dee said…

    Yay! I hate that I'm too old for pigtails because man they are cute, but I guess I can just live vicariously through people who actually look cute in their pig tails, and don't just look like someone trying to clench onto their youth!
    Maybe I'm too lazy to evolve!
    Anyways, this is a sign that I should likely get some coffee in my system (the rambling) so I'll throw a 'Cute pics Charli!! Cant wait to see you again' in there and a Good day!

  • At 6:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Danica you look adorable in pig tails, you are far too young to worry about being too old for them!I on the other hand could put my eye bags in pig tails, and that ain't pretty!
    Drive on sister!

  • At 10:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hold on charli your real fathers coming, In august! to a theatre near you, too bad the pioneer closed down 20 years before you were born, that woulda been convenient. Uncle Tig is coming down for his birthday..hopefully.....fingers crossed, legs....well you get the picture.

    Love ya, Charli is sooo cute,I want to see more pics of my chay chay though.

  • At 8:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    if your the real father then i want some dam child support,tig!!!


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